FAQs and Contact Information

  • TCUP Study Research Staff can be contacted in many ways. You can contact the staff members through email, text or calling any of the numbers listed below.


    Phone Contact (call or text):



  • -Filling out online surveys monthly throughout your pregnancy

    -Meeting with research staff once each trimester (virtually or by phone)

    -Providing a saliva (spit) sample once each trimester

  • Studies investigating the effects of cannabis use during pregnancy have reported various potential risks.

    We know that many people quit using cannabis when they become pregnant, but some continue to use or even start using during pregnancy. The purpose of the TCUP Study is to determine how and why pregnant people use cannabis.

    Additionally, by comparing pregnancy outcomes between those who do and do not use (and those who quit or cut back), we hope to gain information on the effect cannabis has on the mother and baby during development

  • Yes the TCUP study is a paid research study.

    Depending on how many surveys you fill out and how early in your pregnancy you enroll, you could earn anywhere from $30 to $205 in gift cards.

  • The study is fully virtual. The monthly surveys will be emailed to you and completed online. Once per trimester you will be asked to meet with the research staff, but this can be done by phone or virtually.

  • We take your confidentiality and privacy very seriously. Your answers to research questions would; will not be shared with anyone outside of the research team – not your doctors, nurses, family, judiciary system, child protective services, law enforcement or anyone else. The answers are completely confidential.

  • TCUP stands for Trajectories of Cannabis Use in Pregnancy. We are doing this study to learn more about women’s reasons for use of cannabis (or marijuana) during pregnancy and how it effects their pregnancies. We are including pregnant people who use cannabis as well as those who do not. Our goal is to talk with over 1,200 pregnant people in Maryland and California. We think that this study can provide needed information for healthcare providers and policymakers who want to improve our policies and practices. Additionally, it will provide more information to pregnant people about the potential risks of cannabis use during pregnancy.

    Participating in this is voluntary, meaning that you do not have to participate if you do not want to. I also want to make sure that you know that we take your confidentiality and privacy very seriously. Your answers to research questions would; will not be shared with anyone outside of the research team – not your doctors, nurses, family, judiciary system, child protective services, law enforcement or anyone else. The answers are completely confidential.

  • To qualify, you must be:


    18 years or older

    Getting prenatal care at the University of Maryland or certain UCSF prenatal sites

    Speak/read English or Spanish

    To find out if you qualify, please contact the study team:

    Call or text:

    or email: